Social Security Legislation in Zambia and The ILO Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102)
From time immemorial, societies have recognised the need for social security to protect individuals from uncertainties that would occur in one’s life due to among other things, death of a bread winner, retirement and old age. The occurrences of any of these eventualities pose a threat to people’s economic stability and the wellbeing of the family. Therefore, social security contributes to a country’s overall growth by encouraging savings and sustaining the living standards of those covered. The concept of social security has no established definition. However, the International Labour Organisation (ILO), which has done considerable work in this field has offered a working definition of the concept of social security.
How to Cite
Beele, E. and Mulenga, N. (2021) “Social Security Legislation in Zambia and The ILO Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102)”, Zambia Law Journal (ZLJ) ISSN Print: 1027-7862, 48(2018), pp. 39-61. Available at: (Accessed: 9March2025).